Cybersecurity As A Service

Focus on Outcomes (Not Products)

As a professional in the technology space, you are likely aware of the growing number of cyberattack attempts affecting companies today. For example, there has been a 62% rise in the amount of global ransomware attacks since 2019, including a 158% increase in North America.

Consequently, organizations across all industries are starting to take cybersecurity more seriously: According to one report, the global cybersecurity services market was valued at $91.15 billion last year and is expected to grow to $192.70 Billion by 2028.

Is your cybersecurity posture mature enough to withstand or deter cybersecurity attacks?

Cybersecurity Assessments

An in-depth security program assessment is measured against best practice cybersecurity frameworks and benchmarks: ISO27001, NIST, CIS, Zero Trust Readiness and other frameworks based on your industry or company preference.

Security Plan Development

Security Plan Development. Based on our assessment and recommendations, Ellisticity will develop a cyber protection plan and “runbook” that identifies the scope, steps, processes, and personnel resources required to properly react to a security breach.

SOC as a Service

24/7 well-developed and well-run security operations center (SOC) can help strengthen the security posture.

Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing

Vulnerability Assessments, Application Security assessments, Phishing assessments & Penetration Testing can find the weak spots in your critical assets and take corrective action before attackers exploit them to sabotage your business or steal your confidential data..

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Run better, serve better and protect better. Our services and solutions tackle your most urgent issues rapidly and effectively.